10 Characteristics of Organizational Behavior (OB) - 10characteristics

10 Characteristics/Features of Organizational Behavior

Characteristics of Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior (OB) is a multifaceted field that examines human behavior within an organizational setting. Understanding the characteristics of OB is essential for managing and optimizing workforce dynamics effectively. Here are ten characteristics of Organizational Behavior:

Management Concept

Organizational behavior encompasses management principles that help in organizing and directing resources effectively. This involves setting goals, planning, and motivating employees.

The management concept within OB aims to harmonize various talents and resources, ensuring that the organization’s activities are aligned towards achieving success. Effective management fosters teamwork, improves processes, and leads to productivity and growth.


A future-oriented approach in OB involves anticipating trends and preparing for changes. Organizations that adopt this mindset are better equipped to handle uncertainties and seize opportunities.

By focusing on future developments, companies can innovate, adapt to market shifts, and maintain a competitive edge. This characteristic emphasizes the importance of strategic foresight in guiding organizational actions.


OB is fundamentally goal-oriented, focusing on aligning individual and collective efforts towards common objectives. Like a compass guiding a ship, goal orientation ensures that all organizational activities are directed toward achieving defined targets.

This characteristic of OB highlights the importance of clear, achievable goals in driving organizational performance and success.


OB draws knowledge from various disciplines such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, and management. This interdisciplinary approach provides a comprehensive understanding of workplace dynamics.

By integrating diverse perspectives, OB addresses complex issues related to human behavior, improving the overall effectiveness of organizational practices.

Multiple Levels

OB examines behavior at multiple levels, including individual, group, and organizational. This characteristic acknowledges that behavior in organizations is influenced by interactions within and across these levels.

For instance, individual attitudes can affect group dynamics, which in turn impact organizational culture. Understanding these interconnected levels is crucial for effective management.

Systematic Study

OB involves a structured and scientific approach to studying human behavior in organizations. This means gathering data, analyzing patterns, and drawing evidence-based conclusions.

A systematic study helps organizations make informed decisions, predict behaviors, and implement strategies that enhance productivity and employee satisfaction.

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OB recognizes that behavior is influenced by situational factors. Different contexts, such as organizational culture, leadership styles, and specific tasks, can impact how individuals and groups behave.

This situational perspective emphasizes the need for flexible and adaptive management practices to effectively address varying circumstances.

Interdisciplinary Approach

Similar to the multidisciplinary nature, the interdisciplinary approach in OB involves combining theories and methods from different fields to gain a deeper understanding of organizational behavior.

This approach allows for more robust analysis and innovative solutions to workplace challenges, enhancing the overall management of human resources.

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Humanistic Orientation

OB emphasizes the human element in organizations, focusing on employee welfare, motivation, and development.

This characteristic underscores the importance of understanding and addressing the needs and aspirations of employees. A humanistic orientation fosters a supportive and inclusive work environment, leading to higher job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

Practical Application

OB is not just theoretical; it has practical implications for improving organizational effectiveness.

This characteristic involves applying OB principles to real-world scenarios, such as enhancing communication, resolving conflicts, and promoting teamwork. The practical application of OB concepts helps organizations develop strategies that improve overall performance and employee engagement.

Hence, these are the 10 common characteristics of organizational behavior in business.

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